Last Updated on 11/23/2023 by Glynn Willard

There’s a trend developing.

Popular fulltime RV’ers are coming off the road and transitioning to part time RV life.

Does that mean part time RV living is becoming the new “fulltime RV living.”


So why are so many fulltimers coming off the road?

Our opinion based on our personal experience: fulltime RV living is exhausting!


Fulltime RV Living Is Difficult

Vacant wheel
Without question, living fulltime in an RV is exciting and rewarding.

But that’s not what I want to address. Rather, the difficulties of fulltime.

Here are some example of the complexities faced by fulltimers:

  • Finding locations to park and live in your RV gets old. This includes boondocking location, campgrounds or moochdocking.

  • Having to relearn the locations and layouts of grocery stores every time you move. It also gets old fast.

  • Even if you’ve developed a community of RV friends, it can still get lonely on the road.

  • Always feeling super vulnerable to any inclement weather.

  • Repairs on your RV might put you out of house and home for awhile.

  • On that note, there are always repairs to be done on your “moving house.”

  • There’s a constant longing for a cozy house to call your own.

  • If you don’t have laundry machines in your rig… need I say more?

  • If you and your family live in your RV, there’s never any privacy.

These are but a few examples of the difficulties living fulltime in a motorhome, van or travel trailer.

Living Fulltime In An RV Is Exhausting


Long hauls in inclement weather is exhausting.

As much as we loved exploring fulltime, we legitimately got tired.

And I don’t think anyone is immune from the fatigue that fulltiming can cause.

Generally speaking, it’s not if, it’s when.

We found the following the most exhausting even though we became proficient at so many tasks:

  • Paying so much for fuel when moving.

  • Wondering if you’ll find a boondocking spot suitable for your rig after several hundred miles of driving.

  • Hunting for dump stations and fresh water.

  • Never being able to get any real privacy in your “house.”

  • For some it’s a pleasure, but maneuvering such a large vehicle gets exhausting.

I think everyone is susceptible to exhaustion from at least one item on the list.

And no doubt, we can add to the list.

Should You Have A Homebase?


RV life part time

Our “homebase”

Technically, we had a homebase, but it never felt like our home.

Why? It was my parents house.

We never felt “at home” when we were home. Almost as though every time we took a break from traveling, we were visiting.

We found ourselves craving our own land and a small home.

And yes, we wanted to keep exploring in an RV. So exactly what you’re thinking. Have our cake and eat it too!

We’ve learned during our resets that if you maintain a vision long enough, you naturally begin working toward that vision.

We’re not fully there yet, but we’re making real progress.

So yes, based on experience and the action of other fulltimers, a small homebase is perfect.

What Is Hybrid RV Living?


Part time RV living

Privately owned casita’s with RV pads.

Society has decided that a hybrid RV lifestyle means having an RV and owning a lot or space with full hookups.

It could also have a small casita or home along with the spot.

This is common in some of the RV resorts. You can buy your lot with a small casita and come and go on a part time bases.

This doesn’t sound too bad to us!

What Are The Benefits Of Part Time RV Life?


Part time RV living

Maintenance on an RV is a lot easier when you have a home to park it.

There are a lot of benefits from RV living part time.

A little secret…

After fulltiming for awhile we realized that so many (not all) of the popular fulltime families are actually part time.

It made us rethink things.

We’ve come to the conclusion that the following benefits make part time RV living ideal:

  • You always have a place to return once fatigue sets in on the road.

  • A place to maintain your few prized possessions.

  • Stable internet to get caught up while stationary.

  • A place to do maintenance on your RV with ease.

  • When you are on the road, you don’t take it for granted since there’s an intermittent start and stop date.


Comforts Of A Sticks And Bricks Home


Benefit of part time living.

There’s something cozy about a “sticks and bricks” house.

Yes, there comes a time after the romance of fulltiming has worn out that one misses a house.

There’s something about the sturdiness of a house as well as the comfort in a routine.

I (we) truly believe that having a homebase with a small house and full hookup site makes for the perfect part time set up.

You have a place to rest when you’re not on the road and a place in which to return if you tired of the road.

Now for the flip side.

Fulltime living in an RV is amazing in spite of all everything I mentioned.

That’s why I propose that the marriage of a small homebase you own and part time living on the road is perfection!

Does a part time RV life sound more realistic for your lifestyle?

Meet the author.
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