Last Updated on 04/24/2024 by Glynn Willard

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Full-Time RV Coaching

Would you like help with fulltime RV living? There is so much information on the internet, but it’s scattered.

Yes, there are a few courses available, but maybe you just want a few direct answers to your “specific to you” questions.

Simply speaking with someone who’s experienced first hand the lifestyle your considering could be worth its weight in gold.


Speak With Rose & Glynn


What Can We Help You With In Your Transition To Fulltime RV?

If you’re on the fence and looking for some support, we’ve been there. But we haven’t done everything. Here are some of the things which we have a lot of experience.

    We Have Some Insight On RV Types

    There are several different options. All of which depend on your circumstances, travel style, finances and camping style.

    It can be very confusing when you’re getting started. We were overwhelmed and committed months to learning about and finding the right rig.

    We can help you along your “decision tree.”

    Help With Finding Boondocking Locations

    Tight Space
    This is our favorite. We’ve tried all the apps and even learned how to find some locations without any apps.

    Again, it’s very confusing and can be scary. Seriously, not having a place to park your rig after a long drive can induce some real anxiety.

    Knowledge really is power and freedom when driving down the exciting road of boondocking.

    We’ve aligned ourselves with some of the biggest names in boondocking and have been very fortunate to collaborate in the world of boondocking.

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    What’s A Moving Day Like?

    Truck on summit resting
    It can be stressful or it can be exciting. It’s all in your approach. We love to give some insight and tips about preparing to prevent stressful situations.

    We’re not saying that “bad things” don’t happen. But when you’re prepared, you can manage.
    Vacant wheel

    If You’re Towing, What’s The Right Truck For Your Trailer

    This is something we were clueless about in the beginning. And we overlooked the importance until we could barely bring our rig to a stop down a steep grade in our first tow vehicle.

    We quickly learned what we needed, made the correction and continued learning along the way.

    The wrong tow vehicle can have serious implications. And the charts given by the truck companies are deceptive. Know what to look for and what to ask.

    There’s also information about your rig that’s pertinent to the tow vehicle weight other than just it’s GVWR. I digress…

    What Can You Expect From Solar Vs Generators


    Solar is awesome, but far more complicated than most think. We had no idea! I initially thought foru or more panels on your roof and a couple good batteries and you’re good to go.

    Not so much the case. A beg system that will power your A/C and D/C system for most of the day is a substantial investment. And it weighs a lot!

    After breaking down the monetary math, we saved tons just by using two small generators. So really, it comes down to your electrical needs.

    Is It Safe To Boondock?

    This is a common question. We can fill you in our our experiences if/when we speak.

    How Much Does It Cost For A Family To Fulltime?

    This is of course based on a lot of different criteria. But there are a few variables for which we can give you good approximations.

    How To Stay Connected On The Road

    Hot SPot
    This is perhaps the most popular topic. We’ve figured out when and when you cannot get a connection. We’ve even used Starlink and give you our impression.

    There are options and we can give you some real insight.

    What Is It Like To Homeschool While Fulltime RV’ing (Roadschool)?

    Every one homeschools a little differently. And of course, every child learns differently. We have found some solid workarounds for homeschooling on the road that have worked well.

    And we’ve crossed paths with others who were having less luck with roadschooling.

    What Kind Of Great Adventures Can You Have Fulltime RV’ing?

    This is an endless list and we’ve tried a lot of things. We’ve figured out how to save money in some ways to fund the adventures and memories.

    The list goes on! But again, we may not be able to answer everything.


    The Questions We Can’t Answer

    There are certain aspects of RV living we may not have experienced that may apply to you. If it’s something on the list below, we can only give you secondary experience.

    • Maintaining a motorhome.We have experience maintaining a travel trailer, not a motorhome.

    • Staying in RV parks for months at a time. We have plenty of experience staying in RV and state parks, just not for extended periods.

    • Health insurance pertinent to your domicile. Every state and family is just too different.

    • What You Should Pay For Your RV. There are too many variables, changes in demand and inflation factors.

    • Legal aspects of your domicile state. Every state is different. We know a little, but are not experts.

    We can give you advice and opinions, but please understand, we cannot be held liable for our conversion with you if something goes wrong. We wish we didn’t even have to write this statement.

    Expediting your way to a fulltime RV lifestyle can be as simple as reaching out and having us help you with your questions.

    All we ask for is a donation in the amount of the perceived value from speaking to us. Simple as that. We’re not trying to sell you anything.

    And that makes our opinion truly unbiased!
    Are You Ready To Fast Forward To Your Fulltime RV Lifestyle?

    Speak With Rose & Glynn

    Happy and safe travels!
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